Some kind words.


“Kath changed everything ...Her thought, her attention to detail, her sensitivity, care and her utter professionalism opened up a whole new way of self care and awareness for me. Kath taught me to take time, look after myself and think about things differently… We as women just don’t.

I now spend a little time, most days, doing some gua sha or facial massage - maybe 3 or 4 minutes, maybe an hour. A new world has opened and I love it. I will always be thankful.”

— Carolyn, 53

“I highly recommend a treatment with Kath… She is such a calming presence and I literally had the best night’s sleep of my life after her treatment. Felt like I was floating on air!

She was great at accommodating my complex medical issues into the treatment and provided some excellent tailored advice on how I could continue to keep up relaxation in between treatments.”

— Becca, 41

“I always feel amazing after a Reflexology treatment; Kath really helps me unwind. I find it extremely relaxing and always have the best night’s sleep afterwards.”

— Ruth, 42

“I had my treatments after Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, and I really feel it helped to rebalance my body. Kath works magic with her beautiful hands, and I would recommend her every single time.”

— Theresa, 62

“I’ve always felt quite self-conscious with massage, and was concerned I’d never find a treatment that would truly relax me. I needn’t have worried.

Through my face, Kath can tell where I’ve been feeling off kilter, and she then sets about working to soothe the problem areas. The best night’s sleep never fails to follow.”

— Lynsay, 39

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